脱炭素テクノロジーに関する起業家、投資家、事業会社等の「集積」を促進するための国際カンファレンス「ZET-summit 」をはじめ、ビジネスマッチング会「アライアンス・リンク」、府民向け勉強会「ZET-college」等を開催しています。
ZET-Summit, an international conference to promote "clustering" of entrepreneurs, investors, and business companies related to decarbonization technologies; Alliance Link, a business matching event; and ZET-college, a study session for prefectural residents.
ZET-summit | アライアンス・リンク | College
ZET-valleyへの海外投資家・起業家招へいプロジェクト |
国内外の脱炭素テクノロジー(ZET:Zero Emission Technology)関連スタートアップ企業や産学公の関係者が一堂に会し、新たな交流と共創が生まれる場「ZET-summit」を開催!
ZET-summit" will be held again this year, bringing together startup companies related to Zero Emission Technology (ZET), as well as people from industry, academia, and government, to create new opportunities for exchange and co-creation!
About Zero Emission Technology Summit: This summit aims to promote collaboration between domestic and international startups with Zero Emission Technology (ZET) and the private sectors, as well as the introduction of technologies into urban development. Under the theme of "World-class Decarbonization Innovation from Kyoto," the goal is to facilitate knowledge sharing and create opportunities for collaboration among enterprises, startups, and government entities beyond existing frameworks and borders, with the hope of making Japan a global role model in addressing the social issue of achieving Zero Emission. ■Date: February 6th and 7th, 2024 ■Location: Muko Civic center,Kyoto ■Theme: -Promoting innovations and collaborations in the field of decarbonization. -Introducing decarbonization technologies into urban development. (Achieving a circular economy through technologies in Battery, EV, and Bio.) ■Attendees: Japanese/Int’l enterprises, startups, investors, venture capitalists, government officials, university staff, municipal staff, legislators and others. 1,500 participants (On-site 500 and online 1000) in total. |
<脱炭素テクノロジー企業と繋がる スタートアップ・コラボレーション>
創エネと調エネ 持続可能な地域の脱炭素を考える(開催案内)(外部リンク)