

Leading Zone【ZET-valley】

ZETトップのバナー コンセプトと体制のバナー ZETサミットのバナー ZETリーディングゾーンのバナー オープンイノベーションのバナー

We will develop a hub for entrepreneurs, investors, business companies, etc. related to decarbonization technology.


ZET-valleyリーディングゾーン ZET-valley leading zone

In order to promote ``zero-carbon town development through zero-carbon manufacturing (transforming to a society based on local production and local consumption)'', we would like to take advantage of Kyoto Prefecture's industrial clusters and location characteristics.

"Zero-carbon manufacturing" Central Kyoto Prefecture (along the JR Kyoto Line) is home to companies and research institutes related to "zero-carbon manufacturing (decarbonization technology)" such as EV, battery, and bio-manufacturing, as well as forests that absorb CO2. Since it is an urban area with no natural environment and it is difficult to decarbonize using conventional technology alone, it is ideal for ``zero carbon town development (implementation field of new decarbonization technology)'', and this is where ``ZET-valley Leading We will form a zone.

The surrounding areas, namely the southern part of Fuchu, where manufacturing support industries are expanding, will be designated as the "EV/Battery Zone", and the northern part of Fuchu, which is rich in nature, will be designated as the "bio-manufacturing zone", and will cooperate with the leading zone.

先導拠点・インキュベーション・ラボ Leading base/Incubation/lab

In order to promote "zero carbon city development" that takes advantage of Kyoto's strengths such as EV, battery, and bio-manufacturing, and lead the world's decarbonization shift, we will create "Leading Center" as a base for exchange and co-creation, "incubation" for startup companies, and research. We will proceed with the development of "laboratories" for institutions, etc.





