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株式会社RedefineArts(京都企業紹介)RedefineArts Co., Ltd.


京都企業紹介(業種別) 京都企業紹介(五十音順) メタバース 京都府の産業支援情報


世界初、TRPGとVRの融合により仮想空間を冒険できる「Xpraize」 The world's first "Xpraize" allows you to explore virtual space by combining TRPG and VR

(2022年10月20日更新、ものづくり振興課 足利・中尾)



実写を作るようにアニメを作る時代 It's time to make anime like you make live-action movies.


``If virtual space were likened to a movie studio, we might be able to create animation using the same method used to create live action,'' says CEO Sakakibara. By using future VR devices that can track the whole body and recognize facial expressions, it will be possible for people to act using avatars in virtual space. "Xpraize", the world's first fusion of TRPG and VR, is taking a step into this future.

世界初、TRPGとVRの融合 The world's first fusion of TRPG and VR


Do you know about TRPG (Table Talk Role Playing Game)? It is a board game with an older history than the familiar RPG such as Final Fantasy. The name comes from the fact that participants sit at a table and talk while playing the game. A game master, separate from the players, acts as the moderator of the game and progresses through the scenario, and the players act out their characters. It is a role-playing game where you can enjoy an adventure while making decisions using dice. ``Xpraize'' uses a VR device to do this, and the world of the scenario expands into a virtual space where you can become an avatar and go on an adventure.


アバターとなって仮想空間を冒険、遠隔地からも参加、ボイスコマンド Become an avatar and explore virtual space, participate remotely, and use voice commands


Furthermore, people in remote locations can be next to each other in virtual space. Furthermore, since ``the metaverse allows you to do a lot of things, the operations become complicated,'' so the UI has been devised so that it can be operated by voice. In other words, it's a voice command.

e-actを実現する会社 A company that realizes e-act

「e-sports」があるように、TRPGをVR化した一種の演劇ゲーム「e-act」があっていいのでは?!との発想で、未来 を切り拓いていかれます。

This is an innovative game that uses VR to transform the traditional TRPG into something completely new. The beta version has already been released, and we look forward to future developments. Just as we have ``e-sports,'' we are pioneering the future with the idea that there could be ``e-act,'' a type of theatrical game that transforms TRPG into VR.





