(2024年1月9日、ものづくり振興課 足利)
その添加剤の名前は「マナウル」。アントシアニンやプロテアーゼ、アミノ酸等を最適に配合し発酵させたものです。世界40か国で特許を取得されており、国内の有名な、あるいは規模の大きな養鶏場、牧場、乗馬クラブなど、あるいはマレーシアをはじめとする海外の畜産業で導入が進んでいます。The name of the additive is "Manaul". It is fermented with an optimal combination of anthocyanins, proteases, amino acids, etc. It has been patented in 40 countries around the world, and is being introduced at famous or large-scale poultry farms, ranches, and equestrian clubs in Japan, as well as in overseas livestock industries, including Malaysia.
どのように使うのかと言えば、トウモロコシや小麦、魚粉などの畜産用飼料に対し、重量比わずか0.25%分のマナウルを混ぜるだけ。この混合飼料を与えた家畜は、体重の増加が速く、畜産農家にとっては出荷回転数、つまり収益性が向上するということです。How to use it is to mix only 0.25% of manaur by weight into livestock feed such as corn, wheat, or fishmeal. Livestock fed this mixed feed gain weight faster, which means higher shipping turnover and therefore profitability for livestock farmers.
しかも、ライバルメーカーの商品よりも、その数値は大幅に優れており、原材料費の高騰が続く中、日本はもちろん、海外の大規模農家にとって、非常に魅力的な商品なのです。What's more, these figures are significantly better than products from rival manufacturers, making it an extremely attractive product for large-scale farmers not only in Japan but also overseas, as raw material costs continue to rise.
しかも、このマナウルを混合させた飼料を食べた鶏のフンは、まったく臭くありません。通常は食べた分の4割ほどがフンになるそうで、アンモニア臭などが臭います。しかし、マナウル混合飼料の場合、その吸収量、吸収率に優れているからです。What's more, the droppings of chickens that eat feed mixed with Manaur have no odor at all. Normally, about 40% of what you eat turns into feces, and it smells like ammonia. However, in the case of Manaul mixed feed, its absorption amount and absorption rate are excellent.
しかも、そのフンを肥料に、野菜や果実を育てたら、またその生育が良いのです。まさにSDGs!!What's more, if you use the droppings as fertilizer to grow vegetables and fruits, they will grow even better. Exactly SDGs! !
Why did you develop a product with such a powerful punch? This is the result of many years of joint research with Kyoto Sangyo University. Under the leadership of Representative Director Kano, who has a wealth of experience in overseas exchange projects and food trade businesses, foreign researchers and Japanese fermentation technology specialists have been brought together, and now we are working with companies all over the world. In order to meet these needs, mass production intelligence is being strengthened.