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株式会社アカツキ製作所(京都企業紹介)Akatsuki Manufacturing Co., Ltd.


京都企業紹介(業種別) 京都企業紹介(五十音順) 北部ものづくり 京都府の産業支援情報

MADE IN JAPAN 高品質・高精度の水平器 High-quality, high-precision level

(掲載日:平成28年12月1日、聞き手・文:ものづくり振興課 笠原)




水平器一筋まもなく100周年—国産水平器のパイオニア 100th anniversary of our dedication to leveling equipment - Pioneer of domestic leveling equipment

—企業の概要について教えてください。Please give us an overview of your company.

小寺) 当社は、大阪市港区市岡の地において、大正8年(1919年)に測定器メーカーとして創業し、確かな資料はありませんが、わが国では初の国産水平器を製造したと言われています。

Our company was founded in 1919 as a measuring instrument manufacturer in Ichioka, Minato Ward, Osaka City, and although there are no reliable documents, it is said that we manufactured the first domestically produced level instrument in Japan. The founder, Denjiro Kodera, was a person who liked small machinery, but while he was interested in various products, when he saw a German-made spirit level, he thought, ``It's simple, but no matter how advanced the technology is.'' I heard that the feeling that "the principle of measurement remains the same no matter what you do," is what led him to develop and manufacture domestically produced levels. After that, in 1945, we were hit by war damage, and we had to rely on our acquaintances at the time and evacuate to Ayabe. After the war, they had plans to return to Osaka, but they seemed to like the climate of Ayabe, so they continued to operate there, and have continued to operate there for nearly 100 years, as a manufacturer specializing in level equipment. I have been running a business.

—御社の水平器のラインナップは、どのようなものがありますか?What kind of level equipment does your company have in its lineup?


小寺) アクリル製水平器、アルミ製水平器、設備・土木用水平器などの他、建設機械や建設車輌などに内蔵される水平器など、ユーザーの用途に合わせた作業工具を製造、販売しています。
 そして、建築現場で働く職人の皆様におなじみの「KOD」ブランドは弊社の登録商標です。「KOD」のロゴマークの起源は、創業者「小寺 傳次郎(こてら でんじろう)」のイニシャル「K」と「D」を表し、真ん中の「O」は気泡をモチーフにしたものです。
特に、気泡管の製造、フレームの加工、組立、精度調整等に対して「MADE IN JAPN」の技術と厳格な品質管理など、水平器メーカーとして国内のリーディングカンパニーであると自負しています。

We manufacture and sell work tools tailored to the user's needs, including acrylic levels, aluminum levels, levels for equipment and civil engineering, and levels built into construction machinery and vehicles. The "KOD" brand, which is familiar to craftsmen working at construction sites, is a registered trademark of our company. The origin of the "KOD" logo is the initials "K" and "D" of the company's founder, "Kotera Denjiro," and the "O" in the middle is a bubble motif. In particular, we are proud to be the leading level manufacturer in Japan, with "MADE IN JAPN" technology and strict quality control for the manufacturing of bubble tubes, frame processing, assembly, precision adjustment, etc.




社内一貫生産 In-house integrated production




—「MADE IN JAPAN」の技術とのことですが、どのようなことを心がけておられますか?You mentioned that the technology is "MADE IN JAPAN", but what kind of things do you keep in mind?




小寺) そもそも、アルコール等の入った容器内の気泡の位置によって水平や傾斜を測るという現在の水平器に通じる測定器は、17世紀半ばには実用化されていたようです。したがって、他の道具のように新規性のある製品をつくり出すことが難しいと言われています。




In the first place, measuring devices similar to today's level devices, which measure the level and slope based on the position of air bubbles in a container containing alcohol, etc., seem to have been put into practical use in the mid-17th century. Therefore, it is said that it is difficult to create novel products like other tools. For this reason, our company focuses on in-house development to accommodate high-mix, small-lot production, and performs integrated production from drawing drawings to processing materials to assembly. The production process is mainly manual work, and we strive to create products that are difficult to handle with automation. We believe that this has ultimately led to the production of high-precision products that cannot be imitated by overseas companies in countries such as China, which use mechanization to produce low-cost products in large quantities.




使い勝手の良さを徹底的に追求 Thorough pursuit of ease of use




 —ほかに心がけておられることは?What else do you keep in mind?




小寺) 顧客へのヒアリング等の市場調査を行い、使い勝手の良い製品かどうかを判断した上で商品化を進めています。ユーザーのちょっとした要望も丹念に拾い上げて製品に反映させるなどの取り組みで、建築現場のプロの方々から高い評価をいただいております。




We conduct market research, including interviews with customers, and proceed with commercialization after determining whether the product is easy to use. We have received high praise from construction site professionals for our efforts to carefully pick up even the smallest requests from users and reflect them in our products. For example, the scale lines of acrylic resin gauges (vibration tubes) used to measure horizontality are usually printed on the outside, but at our company, we embed wires inside the product as scale lines. Therefore, even if you use it for a long time, the scale will not fade due to rubbing and you can use it. In addition, for products used at drainage facilities, we offer "non-slip" drainage slopers that can be placed stably on the curved surfaces of PVC pipes, which are prone to slipping, and as levelers for masons. We always strive to create products that are convenient and easy to use, such as by providing levels with cast metal frames that are highly rigid and stable, and which are not manufactured by other companies.








 デザインにも工夫 Ingenuity in design




 —デザインはどうですか?What about the design?




小寺) 水平器は、作業工具として使用されるものと、水平器が部品として機器等に組み込まれる内蔵型に大きく分類されます。内蔵型は、機器メーカーへ直接納入するため、皆さんの目に触れることがほとんどなく、デザイン性が問題となることはありません。




Levels are broadly classified into those used as work tools and built-in types, where the level is incorporated into equipment as a component. Built-in models are delivered directly to equipment manufacturers, so they are rarely seen by the public and there are no design issues. On the other hand, leveling tools for work tools, which are generally sold at home improvement stores and other places, are used directly by craftsmen in the field, but in the past most of them were made of plastic, had an ordinary shape, and were gray in color. There were almost no distinctive products. About 10 years ago, the level market was overwhelmed by imported products such as those made in China and Taiwan, which prioritized price over quality, and less than 20% of domestic products were carried by mass retailers. I was in a situation. Naturally, our company was also affected by these low-priced products, and sales were sluggish. Around that time, I decided to return to my family's business, Akatsuki Seisakusho, and instead of being fooled by these imported products, we continued to maintain our company's strengths of high quality and precision, and began manufacturing highly designed levels. We worked on the development of For example, we applied silver plating to the frame of a spirit level, which was traditionally made of plastic and had no distinctive characteristics, and created a product with a high design quality that is not found in imported products, and which appeals to young craftsmen and female craftsmen. As a result, we were able to increase sales of standard products by several dozen times.











By proactively updating equipment, we have increased productivity and reduced costs. We have won customer praise for our high quality and appropriate prices. Sales of products for mass retailers such as home improvement centers have also recovered, and we are now replacing imported products. We have successfully replaced our product group.




「KOD」ブランドを支える品質管理 Quality control that supports the “KOD” brand




—品質管理についてはいかがですか What about quality control?








Our company has received ISO9001 certification, and in accordance with the regulations, all products are inspected by inspectors during the process and before shipping. In addition, depending on the product, we use image inspection equipment to perform accuracy inspections using images taken with a camera. All products after inspection are assigned a serial number, and manufacturing history such as inspection date and person in charge is managed to ensure traceability. I believe that these quality control systems are also a strength of the "KOD" brand.












経済成長著しいアジアの建築現場に「MADE IN JAPN」水平器を ``MADE IN JAPAN'' level for construction sites in Asia, which is experiencing rapid economic growth.




—今後の展開について、教えてください。Please tell us about future developments.




小寺) 国際見本市などの展示会への出展などを契機に、海外からの発注や問い合わせもあり、海外企業向けの英語版のカタログを作成し、代理店等を通じてPRしています。もちろん、ホームページも英語に対応しています。




We receive orders and inquiries from overseas as a result of exhibiting at international trade fairs and other exhibitions, so we create an English version of the catalog for overseas companies and promote it through agents. Of course, the homepage also supports English. Inexpensive Chinese-made levels are also being distributed overseas, and we are having a hard time expanding our sales channels. However, in addition to the technology and experience we have cultivated over our long history, we are making each item by hand. Users who have high expectations for our quality and precision and who really want KOD products contact us directly through our website and other means. In the future, in Southeast Asian countries such as Cambodia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand, where there are many cheap products, the recognition and way of thinking about levels will change due to economic growth, and quality and precision will be emphasized, and the need for our levels will increase. I hope so.








In addition, we have limited our sales route to distributors, but while this allows us to listen to distributors' voices, it is difficult to receive user requests and information, so we will continue to develop products from the user's perspective. For this reason, I believe we need to shift from "BtoB" to "BtoC". Furthermore, we have opened an Internet sales site, ``DemoMeameter.com,'' which has a lineup of products specializing in measuring instruments, and is working to create new sales channels by offering free rentals of demonstration devices. We would also like to work on this.











