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Updated:September 25, 2017
Elinor Ostrom
Professor at Indiana University
She proved that management of communal resources is most effective when it is not carried out solely by market forces or government intervention, but instead, when a community with vested interests in the resource plays a complementary management role. She showed that group management of the commons (communal resources) is an important step in bringing about solutions to environmental problems. Received the 2009 Nobel Prize in Economics.
His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuk
Fourth King of the Kingdom of Bhutan
In the 1980s, he proposed the concept of Gross National Happiness, stressing a "better way of life" respecting both culture and nature. This concept caused a stir in our modernized world, which overvalues convenience and material wealth, and spread environmental consciousness globally.
Masazumi Harada
Former Professor at Kumamoto Gakuen University
With his thoroughly hands-on approach, he has carried out social medical research on environmental pollution issues, beginning with Minamata disease. His results have been used in investigations into cases such as arsenic poisoning and mercury pollution all over the world. Through his revolutionary academic research he has made major contributions to solving global environmental problems.
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