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Updated:December 9, 2015
Gro Harlem Brundtland
Former chairperson for the World Commission on Environment and Development (Brundtland Commission) and former Prime Minster of Norway
Dr. Brundtland was the chairperson of the United Nations' World Commission on Environment and Development, whose 1987 report, "Our Common Future," advocated the concept of sustainable development, greatly contributing to the formation of many current international environmental conservation policies.
Syukuro Manabe
Senior Researcher in the Ocean and Atmospheric Research Program at Princeton University, and honorary member of the Japan Academy
Dr. Manabe developed the general circulation model of the coupled ocean-atmosphere model and applied them for studying climate change. Currently, his modeling approach is used as a prototype for the projection of global warming that has been conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Global Climate Change. Through his pioneering studies of climate, he has made great contribution to Earth Science.
Wangari Maathai
Former Assistant Minister for Environment and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kenya
Dr. Maathai was impressed by the Japanese word "mottainai" (respect for the inherent value in all things) when she visited Kyoto in February 2005 to attend an event commemorating the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. She later spread the use of the concept as an environmental keyword. Her various activities have greatly contributed to the promotion of coexistence with the environment and the implementation of environmental preservation activities. 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
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