ここ花脊には、自然との触れ合いを求めて、山村都市交流の森や大悲山に、都市部からも多くの人が足を運びます。 里に点在する集落の暮らしでは、愛宕山を火難除けの神として祀る信仰が、「松上げ」の行事として残ります。高さ20メートルの大傘をめがけて、約1000束に及ぶ松明の灯が次々と放り投げられる光景は、勇壮な夏の風物詩です。 花脊の里の最も北に位置する大悲山の中腹には、天皇の修行の場として創建されたと伝えられる峰定寺(ぶじょうじ)があり、崖に望む本堂が850年前の姿を今に伝えます。
Many people come to Hanase to experience its bountiful natural scenery such as the recreational facility of Sanson-Toshi-Koryu-no-Mori and Mt.Daihi-zan. Hanase residents have historically worshiped Mt.Atago as a god of fire. This traditional reverence is still displayed in the summer ritual of Matsuage. On certain days of the summer months, villagers throw 1,000 lighted torches at a basket tied to the top of a 20 meter long pole, vying to burn it, thus cleansing them of their worries. To the north is Bujo-ji Temple, Its main hall, built 850 years ago, clings to the edge of a cliff over a deep mountainous vista.
The temple and its challenging environs were for centuries an important site of spiritual and physical training for those of the Buddhist Tenno sect. In its individual elements and as a whole, the Hanase landscape thus represents its long history of human habitation.
桂川上流域((公財)京都市森林文化協会提供) Upper basin of Katsura-gawa river (Provided by Kyoto City Forest Culture Association)
大悲山の三本杉 Sacred three ceters of Daihi-zan
峰定寺 Zenjo-ji Temple
松上げ((公財)京都市森林文化協会提供) Summer ritual of Matsuage (Provided by Kyoto City Forest Culture Association)