(2024年2月16日更新、ものづくり振興課 足利)
「ZET-summit 2024」にご来場くださった、株式会社シリコン研究所(外部リンク)の明石代表取締役、熊谷取締役にお話をおうかがいしました。
The company has two main business pillars, the first being the production of porous silicon (Si+).
In the first place, "silicon (Si)" does not exist alone in nature, but in combination with oxygen (silicon dioxide SiO2: the second most abundant element near the earth's surface after oxygen) and exists as silica, quartz, crystal, etc. Masu. "Silicon" is made by reducing silica stone etc. with carbon materials such as coke in an electric furnace. "Silicone" (5,000 types including rubber).
The company has developed a patented technology that creates "porous silicon" by chemically reacting natural silica or recycled silicon with magnesium and distilling it. What's more, it can be produced in just the amount needed when it's needed, which means it can be mass-produced.
So, what is the significance of the fact that porous silicon can be mass-produced?
In fact, "nanosilicon" that generates hydrogen was first announced in 2013. However, there are challenges, such as the difficulty of producing hydrogen in large quantities.
Porous silicon overcomes this problem.
A "reactor" that can produce large quantities of hydrogen from such porous silicon is an item that can be greatly utilized to create a hydrogen society.
For example, by combining a fuel cell and a used V battery, you can create a "mobile hydrogen power plant."
Alternatively, water glass is produced as a by-product of the company's hydrogen production, although the production process for water glass, which is produced in Japan at a rate of 1 million tons per year, emits a large amount of CO2.
The company's mission is to create a hydrogen society from porous silicon.