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リジェネフロ株式会社(京都企業紹介)Regenephro Co., Ltd.

京都企業紹介(業種別) 京都企業紹介(五十音順) スタートアップ QoLLife2 京都府の産業支援情報

ヒトiPS腎臓細胞で腎臓の再生を目指す Aiming for kidney regeneration using human iPS kidney cells

(掲載日:令和5年9月8日 聞き手・文 ものづくり振興課 石飛)




透析に代わる治療法を確立し、腎臓病で苦しむ人を助けたい I want to establish a treatment alternative to dialysis and help people suffering from kidney disease.

まずは、貴社の概要を教えてください。First of all, please give us an overview of your company.

森中)私たちの最高科学顧問である長船(京都大学iPS細胞研究所教授)らの知見をもとに、ヒト由来のiPS細胞から腎臓のもとになる「ネフロン前駆細胞」を効率よく作製し、移植するといった細胞療法の実用化などに力を注いでいます。この細胞には腎臓を保護する働きなどがあり、マウスの腎臓皮下に投与すると、腎臓の機能低下を抑えられるということが分かっています。Based on the knowledge of our chief scientific advisor, Osafune (Professor at the iPS Cell Research Institute, Kyoto University) and others, we will efficiently generate and transplant ``nephron progenitor cells,'' which form the basis of kidneys, from human-derived iPS cells. We are focusing on the practical application of cell therapy. These cells have functions such as protecting the kidneys, and it has been shown that when administered subcutaneously to the kidneys of mice, the decline in kidney function can be suppressed.

この事業に取り組むことになった背景を教えてください。Please tell us the background behind your decision to start this business.

森中)日本では成人の約7人に1人がかかり、「新たな国民病」とも呼ばれている慢性腎臓病(CKD)の患者数は1,300万人超、有効な治療法がなく透析療法を受ける慢性腎不全の患者数は約34万人もいます。これらは合併症による死亡者数の増加や患者の生活の質の低下に繋がるなど、深刻な問題となっています。また、唯一の根治療法である腎移植は深刻なドナー不足です。さらに、透析医療費は年間1兆5,000億円超と全医療費の約5%を占め、医療経済的にも問題です。透析に代わる治療法を確立し、透析に移行する患者を減らすことができれば、こういった課題を解決できると考えております。In Japan, the number of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), which affects approximately one in seven adults and is referred to as a "new national disease," is over 13 million. There are approximately 340,000 patients with kidney failure. These have become a serious problem, leading to an increase in the number of deaths due to complications and a decline in patients' quality of life. Furthermore, there is a serious shortage of donors for kidney transplantation, which is the only radical treatment. Furthermore, dialysis medical costs exceed 1.5 trillion yen annually, accounting for approximately 5% of all medical costs, and are also a medical economic problem. We believe that these issues can be solved if we can establish an alternative treatment to dialysis and reduce the number of patients who need to undergo dialysis.

新たな移植用腎臓の作製から治療薬の開発まで From the production of new kidneys for transplant to the development of therapeutic drugs

具体的にどのようなことをされているのでしょうか。What exactly are you doing?

山口)1つは、細胞療法です。腎臓が悪化してきており、今後、透析治療が必要になりそうな患者向けにネフロン前駆細胞を移植することで透析治療に至る期間を延長できると考えています。他の臓器と異なり、腎臓は傷つくと自ら再生する能力がないため、腎臓の機能低下を抑制することにも大きな意義があります。One is cell therapy. We believe that by transplanting nephron progenitor cells to patients whose kidneys are deteriorating and who are likely to require dialysis treatment in the future, we can extend the period until dialysis treatment is required. Unlike other organs, the kidneys do not have the ability to regenerate on their own if they are injured, so there is great significance in suppressing the decline in kidney function.

さらにはネフロン前駆細胞を活用した腎臓の再構築(新たな移植用腎臓の製造)にも取り組んでいます。腎臓が相当悪化してしまい、既に透析治療を行っている患者向けにヒトの腎移植に代わる根治療法として人工的に製造した臓器を移植することを将来的に目指しています。We are also working on kidney reconstruction (manufacturing new kidneys for transplantation) using nephron progenitor cells. In the future, we aim to transplant artificially manufactured organs as a radical treatment alternative to human kidney transplantation for patients whose kidneys have deteriorated significantly and are already undergoing dialysis treatment.

もう一つは、遺伝性の希少疾患の治療にむけた、治療薬の探索および開発です。私たちは患者由来のiPS細胞から腎臓の細胞を作成し、患者の腎臓で起こっている病状を試験管の中で再現できます。腎臓病には遺伝性で起こる希少疾患がいくつかあり既存薬では問題があるものも多いため、より有効な治療薬の開発を目指しています。The other is the search and development of therapeutic drugs for the treatment of rare genetic diseases. We can create kidney cells from patient-derived iPS cells and reproduce the pathology occurring in a patient's kidney in a test tube. There are several rare kidney diseases caused by genetics, and many of them have problems with existing drugs, so we are aiming to develop more effective treatments.

細胞療法の実用化については数年単位で時間がかかるとのことですが、社会的意義が極めて大きいですね。細胞療法は、1回投与すれば透析への移行がずっと抑制できるのでしょうか。また、通院負担があるだけでなく、年間約400万円かかる透析治療(週2~3回要通院/1回あたり5時間)より経済的なのでしょうか。It is said that it will take several years to put cell therapy into practical use, but it has enormous social significance. Is it possible to suppress the transition to dialysis by administering cell therapy once? Also, is it more economical than dialysis treatment (requires hospital visits 2-3 times a week/5 hours per session), which not only requires hospital visits but also costs approximately 4 million yen per year?

森中)1回投与すれば、少なくとも数年は透析への移行を抑制できると想定しています。弊社の細胞療法は一般的な細胞療法と比較してコストを低く提供できるため、透析療法よりも医療経済的な負担を大きく和らげることが期待されます。さらには新たな移植用腎臓の製造にも取り組んでいます。これが成功すれば、透析療法そのものが要らない世界が実現します。We envision that a single dose will inhibit transition to dialysis for at least several years. Since our cell therapy can be provided at a lower cost than general cell therapy, it is expected to alleviate the medical economic burden to a greater extent than dialysis therapy. We are also working on manufacturing new kidneys for transplants. If this is successful, we will realize a world where dialysis therapy itself is not necessary.

そのほか、この中であれば、治療薬探索は実用化が比較的早いのでしょうか。ヒトの実態に近い腎臓モデルがあれば、創薬開発に大いに活用できそうですね。Other than that, is it relatively quick to find therapeutic drugs and put them into practical use? If there were a kidney model that closely resembled the human condition, it would be very useful for drug discovery and development.

山口)そうです。ある1つの疾患に関しては、既に飲み薬の候補物質を発見済みで臨床試験を計画中です。臨床試験でヒトでの効果を確認できれば製薬会社にライセンスでき、患者に薬を届ける確実性が高まるとともに、私たちの事業の蓋然性も高まります。これまで他社の候補物質はマウスでの実験では有効性が見えていたのですが、臨床試験では失敗してしまったものばかりです。それはマウスとヒトでは種差が大きいため、マウス実験で有効だったからといって患者でも有効とは限らないからです。しかし私たちの候補物質は患者の病状を再現したモデルで評価しているため、臨床試験でも有効性を確認できる確率は高いのではないかと期待しています。That's right. For one disease, we have already discovered a candidate substance for an oral drug and are planning a clinical trial. If we can confirm efficacy in humans through clinical trials, we can license the drug to a pharmaceutical company, increasing the certainty of delivering the drug to patients and increasing the probability of our business. Until now, candidate substances from other companies have shown efficacy in experiments on mice, but have all failed in clinical trials. This is because there are large species differences between mice and humans, so just because something is effective in mouse experiments does not necessarily mean it will be effective in patients. However, because our candidate substance is evaluated using a model that reproduces the patient's disease state, we are hopeful that there is a high probability that its efficacy will be confirmed in clinical trials.

凄いですね。貴社は、iPS研究が進んだ先にどのような未来を想像されていますか。It is amazing. What kind of future does your company envision as iPS research progresses?

森中)人類がヒトという種としての限界を越えて活躍できる世界でしょうか?ヒトの老化は避けられませんので、私たちのそれぞれの臓器も機能が低下していくことは避けられません。しかしiPS細胞の研究が進み、あらゆる臓器を自由自在に作成、移植することができるようになれば、それこそ自動車やPCのパーツのように臓器を交換して健康を維持するという未来も実現できるかもしれません。私たちは腎臓だけでなく、膵臓、肝臓にも取り組んでいますので、この未来を実現する一助になれると思います。Is this a world in which humans can transcend their limitations as a species and play an active role? Since human aging is inevitable, it is inevitable that the functions of each of our organs will decline. However, as research into iPS cells progresses and it becomes possible to create and transplant all kinds of organs at will, a future in which organs can be replaced to maintain health, just like the parts of cars and PCs, could become a reality. maybe. We are working not only on the kidneys, but also on the pancreas and liver, so I think we can help make this future a reality.

京大長船研究室と連携し、外部から専門人材も揃える Collaborate with Kyoto University Osafune Laboratory and recruit specialized human resources from outside.

面白い未来ですね。ここで、あらためて貴社の強みを教えていただけますでしょうか。It's an interesting future. Could you please tell us again about your company's strengths?

山口)医薬品の開発には、基礎研究だけでなく、臨床開発や製造、薬事、事業開発、ファイナンスなど、様々な専門性が求められます。私たちにはそれぞれの専門性について豊富な経験を誇る人材が揃っておりますので、事業を確実に進めることができます。また、創業科学者の長船の研究室とも密に連携し、二人三脚で事業を進めていけていることも強みでしょう。Pharmaceutical development requires not only basic research, but also a variety of specialties such as clinical development, manufacturing, pharmaceutical affairs, business development, and finance. We have a team of people with a wealth of experience in their respective fields of expertise, so we can move your business forward with confidence. Another strength of our company is that we work closely with Osafune's laboratory, our founding scientist, and are able to work together to advance our business.

事業を行う上での課題、実現に向けて Challenges in doing business and how to achieve them

今後事業を進めていく上で、どのような課題を感じてらっしゃるでしょうか。What challenges do you see as you move forward with your business?

森中)課題となると海外展開でしょうか。医薬品は文化による差がなくグローバルに展開しやすい製品です。製薬企業へのライセンスにしろ、資金調達にしろ、日本の市場が縮小する中、あらゆる創薬ベンチャーが海外に挑戦することは避けられません。日本だけでなくグローバルにパートナーを探索し、究極的にはパートナーに頼らずとも海外に展開できるよう会社を成長させていければと思います。そのためにはグローバルに活躍できる人材の獲得が必要不可欠です。Is overseas expansion an issue? Pharmaceuticals are products that can be easily distributed globally without any cultural differences. With the Japanese market shrinking, it is inevitable that all drug discovery ventures will take on challenges overseas, whether it be licensing to pharmaceutical companies or raising funds. We would like to explore partners not only in Japan but also globally, and ultimately grow the company so that we can expand overseas without relying on partners. To achieve this, it is essential to acquire human resources who can play an active role globally.

最後に今後の展望をお聞かせください。Please tell us about your future prospects.

森中)まずは慢性腎臓病(CKD)の細胞療法と、腎臓の遺伝性の希少疾患の治療薬を患者に一刻も早く届けることに注力します。その後、次世代の細胞療法や移植用腎臓の作成など、継続的に事業を成長させていければと思います。支援いただいた補助金なども活用し、これらの事業の実用化まで引き続き頑張ります。First, we will focus on delivering cell therapy for chronic kidney disease (CKD) and therapeutic drugs for inherited rare diseases of the kidney to patients as soon as possible. After that, I hope to continue to grow the business, including next-generation cell therapy and the creation of kidneys for transplantation. We will continue to work hard to put these projects into practical use, making use of the subsidies we received.






