

株式会社OOYOO(京都企業紹介)OOYOO Co., Ltd.


京都企業紹介(業種別) 京都企業紹介(五十音順) 京都府の産業支援情報

クリーンエア技術で持続可能な未来を A sustainable future with clean air technology

(2024年3月15日、ものづくり振興課 足利・安達・稲継)

GSユアサ、TOPPANなど、次々と日本の名だたる大企業との共同開発の契約締結が発表される株式会社OOYOO(外部リンク)(20名体制、半分外国人)。もちろん我々も「ZET-summit」によってその後押しはしてきたところですが、何が同社の凄さなのか、改めて創業者、イーサン・シバニア取締役(京都大学 高等研究院 物質・細胞統合システム拠点iCeMS教授)と並木代表取締役社長にお話をうかがいました。

OOYOO Co., Ltd. (20 people, half of whom are foreign) has been announcing joint development agreements with major Japanese companies such as GS Yuasa and TOPPAN. Of course, we have supported this through the ZET-summit, but what makes the company so great is founder and director Ethan Sibania (Professor at iCeMS, Center for Integrated Materials and Cell Systems, Institute for Advanced Study, Kyoto University). We spoke with Namiki, Representative Director and President.

凄い、化学・物理エレメント Amazing chemistry and physics elements




The company's business is gas separation. Its core technology is a unique element (polymer) developed by Professor Shibania. One of the things we learned is that it combines a "chemical" element that dissolves and diffuses substances, and a "physical" element that depends on the size of the molecules. Although I cannot write about it here, he demonstrated with an amazing demonstration that he has the knowledge and know-how to create various elements. If people were shown this, I think they would think, ``I want to collaborate with this company.''

他にはないモジュールの小型化も Unprecedented module miniaturization



What we also learned was that it was made as thin as 100 nanometers by combining elements with various functions. This makes it possible to miniaturize the module like no other.

社内一貫「すり合わせ」開発の強み Strengths of integrated in-house “grinding” development



The company's strengths include placing elements on various base materials to create polymers, and developing modularization in-house, so it is possible to make adjustments between each process in-house and accumulate development know-how. is. In preparation for mass production, we have obtained large-scale funding from NEDO, and are currently developing the product in partnership with major companies.

炭酸カルシウムでフードテック Food tech with calcium carbonate


For example, you can make calcium carbonate using the company's element module. This can also be applied to enhancing the calcium content of foods.



In particular, the company is aiming to turn carbon capture into a service. In other words, the company's customers are CO2-emitting companies, and the company provides a series of carbon capture services, from capturing CO2 using the company's element modules to transportation and storage. We are aiming to form this consortium.

果てしない「OOYOO」 Endless “OOYOO”




However, the company's expansion certainly doesn't stop there. ``The company name ``OOYOO'' has no meaning.If I had to say, it just means ``sense of pitch.''I intentionally choose not to have an origin.The reason is that I want it to be able to transform itself into anything,'' says Dr. Shibania. Am I the only one who finds out how amazing this company is and when I hear this story, the letters "OOYOO" seem incredibly cool?




