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Crime Prevention Measures for Women

Indecent crime happens frequently in Kyoto Prefecture.

Followings are the crime prevention measures from being sex crime victim.

Sexual crime


Having a sexual intercourse against a woman's free will with violence or threat.
Having a sexual intercourse against a girl under 13.
(regardless of violent, threat or consent)

 Forcible indecency

Doing an indecent act such as touching a body with violence or threat.
Doing an indecent act against a child under 13.
(regardless of violence, threat or consent)

Public indecency

Performing an indecent act in public. (where a large number of people can watch the act)
Eg.; Going naked or exposing a lower part of a body on the street)

Kyoto-Prefectural Anti-Nuisance Prevention Ordinance

 (Prohibition of Indecent Act)
Doing an indecent act that may cause a sense of shame to people in public space or in public transportation.
Eg.; Touching a body of other people in outdoor or taking upskirt shot

Examples of outdoor crime and counter-measures

Examples of outdoor crimes

  1. Being a victim of an indecent act on the dark street in the nighttime. 
  2. Being taken an upskirt photo from the back on escalator or stairs in the station or shopping mall. 
  3. Being touched the leg or buttock by taking an advantage of overcrowding. 
  4. Being a victim of an indecent crime while being totally drunk and losing the ability of judge. 

Crime prevention measures on the street

  • Make sure to choose a bright and busy street.
  • Look back from time to time and show you are on alert.
  • Don't walk on while listening to music through earphones or playing with a mobile phone.
  • Carry a personal alarm with you.
  • Be aware of approaching motorbikes as a molester on the bike might touch your body while passing by or overtaking from the back.

Crime prevention measures for upskirt shot at the station or shopping facility

  • Make sure to look back or protect your skirt with a bag on escalator or stairs.
  • Perpetrators may install a small camera in the lavatory compartment in the commercial facility. Make sure to check if there is any suspicious object.
  • Be aware of your back while shopping or browsing in a book store.

Crime prevention measures in the train

  • Avoid taking a train during rush hours and busy lines.
    Use a women-only car.
  • Avoid standing still near the car door when taking a train during rush hours. Stand in the less-crowded inside of the car or near the seat where catching a public eye.

Crime prevention measures when drinking alcohol

  • Alcohol releases your self-restrain. You should not drink too much even with your friends. Be aware that a heavy intoxication could increase a risk of becoming a sex crime victim.

Examples of indoor crime and counter-measures

Examples of indoor crime

  1. Being broken into from the back at the instance when you unlock the door on your home return. 
  2. Being a victim of an indecent act in the elevator. 
  3. Being broken into the room as you leave the room unlocked or the  windows opened. 
  4. Being broken into the room by pretending a delivery person or other business person.

Places where special attention should be paid.

  1. In and around an entrance hall of the apartment
  2. Parking lots and bicycle parking area
  3. In front of the entrance of your room

Special attention to be paid and counter-measure when taking an elevator

  • Be on your guard when taking an elevator alone with a stranger.
  • Make sure to stand close to the operating panel and not to turn your back to a passenger in the elevator.
  • Get out of the elevator immediately by pressing the nearest floor button and emergency button when you feel unrest.

Counter-measures when you are in your room

  • Make sure to check a visitor through a peephole or intercom monitor. 
    Keep the door chain locked when you open the door.
  • Make sure to lock the windows even if you live in an upper floor of a high-rise building.

Special attention to be paid when you are looking for your living place and counter-measure

  • Take into account the crime-resistant environment for your living place including the crime-prevention facilities such as the security camera and auto-lock entrance door, brightly lit streets around etc., in addition to its convenience.

In case you become a victim of crime

 It is not your fault in case you become a victim of crime. Perpetrators must be blamed. You should not worry alone, and take courage to inform by calling 110.

 Quick call leads to arrest the suspect and prevent further crime.


(For Inquiries)
Kyoto Prefectural Police Headquarters Community Safety Planning Division
85-3 Yabunouchi-cho, Shimochoja-machi-dori, Shinmachi-nishi-iru, Kamigyo-ward, Kyoto city