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Updated:September 11, 2020

Protecting Yourself Against Street Crime

In Kyoto prefecture, street crimes such as bag snatching, bicycle theft occur so often.

Criminals tend to choose their places and times to attack easy targets. 

To prevent crimes and protect yourself and your property, it is important to develop crime prevention measures and to try and establish a crime-free environment.                

Here are some basic tips to help you avoid becoming a victim of street crimes.

What are street crimes?


Street crimes refer to those crimes committed in urban areas, including bag snatching, vehicle theft, thefts from vehicles, vehicle part thefts, motorcycle theft, and bicycle theft.

Bag snatching  

Your bag or other possession such as cash are snatched away on streets.

Theft from vehicle 

Your cash or valuables are stolen from inside your vehicle

Vehicle parts theft 

Parts attached to a vehicle are stolen

Bag snatching


  • Victims are mostly women.
  • "Targets" are likely to be women in their 40s or over.
  • Crimes occur between early evening and night time.
  • Criminals snatch bags out of the victim's hand or front bicycle basket while passing in a motorbike.

Preventive measures

  • Carry your bag by looping it across the opposing shoulder, and keep it on the side farthest from the road.
  • Choose to walk on busier streets.
  • Look behind you and pay attention when a motorbike or stranger approaches you.
  • Cover the front basket of your bicycle using a snatch prevention net or a magazine.
  • Do not talk or text on your mobile phone while walking.

Motor vehicle theft/theft from vehicles/vehicle part theft


  • Unlocked cars are highly targets.
  • In addition to cars, trucks are also likely targets.
  • Criminals unlock car doors by breaking windows or keyholes.
  • Vehicle navigation equipment, license plates are among the items most commonly stolen from cars.

Preventive measures taken by drivers

  • Whenever you leave your car, even for a short period of time, shut the windows completely, and lock the doors.
  • Never leave valuables, bags, or cash inside your car.
  • Never hide your spare car key inside/around your car.
  • Try to protect your car by using parking lots with security alarm or theft prevention system.
  • Try to protect your car by using steering wheel lock system, sensor or theft prevention system.

Bicycle theft/motorbike theft


  • More than half of stolen bicycles were the unlocked ones.
  • In addition to parking lot, apartment or condominium are vulnerable to theft.

Preventive measures

  • Make sure to lock your bicycle, even for a short period of time.
  • Make sure to lock your bicycle even at parking lot of your house or apartment.
  • Make sure to double-lock your bicycle with a chain key.
  • Add your bicycle to a theft prevention registration list.
  • Never leave your bicycle and use a parking lot with theft prevention system.


(For Inquiries)
Kyoto Prefectural Police Headquarters Community Safety Planning Division
85-3 Yabunouchi-cho, Shimochoja-machi-dori, Shinmachi-nishi-iru, Kamigyo-ward, Kyoto city