トップページ > Foreign Language > Aptitude Consultations for Persons with a Physical Disability
Updated:April 5, 2018
For persons with physical disabilities, as follows:
All such persons should feel free to have an aptitude consultation.
Aptitude tests may be conducted using special testing equipment or an actual motor vehicle, depending on what is best suited to the individual.
Aptitude Testing Section, Kyoto Prefectural Police Driver License Examination Center
Tel: 075-631-5181 Exts. 412 & 413
Fax: 075-632-2694
Monday to Friday (Except public holidays, Year-end and New Year holidays)
9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Consultations are free of charge but a reservation must be made in advance. Please feel free to contact us for a consultation.
(For Inquiries)
Kyoto Prefectural police Headquarters Driver's License Examination Center Temporary Aptitude Test Section
647, Furukawa-cho, Hazukashi, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto city