

トップページ > Foreign Language > Driver License Cancellation Training Courses

Updated:September 29, 2017

Driver License Cancellation Training Courses

  • For persons who have had their driver license cancelled (not including license cancellation as a result of re-testing)
  • For persons who have been refused a driver license
  • For persons who have been banned from driving for more than six months under an international driver license
  • For persons who did not receive document for cancellation of the license due to non-appearance or unknown address. 

All persons who meet any of the above requirements must take a “Driver License Cancellation Training Course” in order to qualify to take a driver license test.

Note that a booking is required to join a “License Cancellation Training Course.”

* In April 2013, the content of training courses for persons whose license was cancelled due to drink driving was modified.

For details, please inquire with the Training Courses Section of the Driver License Examination Division of the Kyoto Driver's License Examination Center.

Booking method

  • Booking place
    Training Courses Section, Driver License Examination Division  of the Kyoto Driver's License Examination Center or your nearest police station (Traffic Dept. counter)
    ※ Booking by phone is not available.
  • Booking hours
    Monday to Friday (Except public holidays, Year-end and New Year holidays)
    9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Requirement for booking
    Please bring your ID such as a passport to identify you.

Course times

Courses should be taken on two consecutive days.

*To those subjected to seminar for alcohol-driving offenders(the 2nd day shall be after 30days from the day 1st.as the initial date for reckoning for those who contains any violation of DIU driving,Drunken-driving or violated Dangerous Driving Causing Death or Injury Law for alcoholic influence,driving without driver's license and also has violated alcoholic regulation)

  • Day 1
    9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Maizuru 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.)
  • Day 2
    9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Maizuru 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.)

* The course content was changed in April 2013. For details, please inquire with the Training Courses Section of the  Driver  License Examination Division of the Kyoto Driver's License Examination Center.

Course locations

  • Kyoto Driver's License Examination Center
    • Driving Safety Training Center
    • Training Hall, Kyoto Pref. Traffic Safety Association
  • Kyoto Maizuru Driving School

Course fee

30,550 yen

Required documents, etc.

  • 3×2.4 cm (H×W), front-view of upper body (chest up), without a hat, plain background, taken not more than 6 months ago.
  • Family seal (unregistered seal is OK)


(For Inquiries)
Kyoto Prefectural police Headquarters Driver's License Examination Center Training Course Section
647, Furukawa-cho, Hazukashi, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto city