

トップページ > Foreign Language > Procedures for Lapsed Licenses (validity period has expired)

Updated:April 1, 2018

Procedures for Lapsed Licenses (validity period has expired)

  • Whenever a driver license is not renewed, regardless of the reason, its validity lapses and the driver becomes unlicensed. If you drive a vehicle with a lapsed license it is equivalent to driving unlicensed. To re-obtain your license you must pass an assessment process (aptitude, written examination, and driving test). However, if you undertake a specified procedure within six months of the end of the license's validity period (or within three years of the end of the validity period in the case of persons who cannot undertake the procedure within the six-month period for a reason that is in accordance with regulations), you can re-obtain the same type of license that lapsed without needing to take a written examination or driving test, on condition that you take an aptitude test and designated class (or elderly driver class).
  • The six-month period (three years in the case of a reason in accordance with regulations) after the license has lapsed (validity has expired) is the period during which exemption from written examination and driving test applies. Note, therefore, that until you complete the required procedure and receive a newly issued license you will remain unlicensed.
  • Drivers over the age of 70 at the time of application must take an elderly driver class before undertaking the procedure to re-obtain a lapsed license.

If your license lapsed less than six months ago

Within six months of the end of the license validity period these persons can apply for this procedure regardless of the reason why they could not renew the license.

Application place and registration times

Kyoto Prefectural Police Driver's License Examination Center 

Anyone residing in Kyoto prefecture can undertake the procedure here.

Registration times

Monday to Friday (Except public holidays, Year-end and New Year holidays)

  • 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
  • 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m

Same day

An aptitude test and designated class (not applicable to persons attending an elderly driver class)
  • Good driver 30 min.
  • Ordinary driver 1 hour
  • Traffic offender 2 hour
  • 1st time renewal 2 hour

Everyone must take one of the above classes.

Local police stations

If you live within the jurisdictions of Kizu, Kameoka, Nantan, Ayabe, Fukuchiyama, Maizuru, Miyazu, or Kyotango police stations, you can apply for the procedure at your local police station.

You may go to the police station of your address, if you are elderly and already finished elderly seminar.

Registration times

Monday to Friday (Except public holidays, Year-end and New Year holidays)

  • 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
  • 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

In principle three weeks after day of application

Necessary documents

  • The driver license that has expire.
  • Certificate of Residence (Certificate must be issued within 6 months. Photocopies are not allowed)
    ※Address on the family register must be written in the Certificate.
    ※Foreign residents are required to bring certificate of residence on which nationality, visa status and length of stay are written. Certificate is not acceptable if period of stay is expired.
    ※Certificate is not acceptable in principle, if identification number is written.
  • Photo
    3×2.4 cm (H×W), front-view of upper body (chest up), without a hat, plain background, taken not more than 6 months ago.
    (Not valid with tinted glasses, color contact lens.)
    Persons without a driver license must present two photos.
  • Family seal (unregistered seal is OK)
  • Certificate of completion of elderly driver class(person who is over 70 years old at the time of application) 


Examination fee

1,900 yen for each type of driver's license
Additional fee for each type 

Issuance fee

For one license type only: 2,050 yen (+200 yen per each addition license type)

Class fees

  • Good driver class: 500 yen
  • Ordinary driver class: 800 yen
  • Traffic offender class: 1,350 yen
  • First time renewal class: 1,350 yen

Other points

  • If you re-obtain your license after it lapses by this procedure, the validity period of your renewed license will be until one month after your third birthday from the day of application, regardless of your driver license history up to the time that the license lapsed
  • However, if you were unable to renew your license for an unavoidable reason that is in accordance with our regulations, e.g., injury or illness, overseas travel, or legal detainment, the renewed license will be valid until one month after your fifth birthday, on condition that you can provide evidence for the reason for failing to renew your license, and that you have not been involved in any traffic accidents or committed any traffic offenses in the previous five years.
  • In the above case you must provide official documents passport,medical certificate, Certificate of prison to prove that the reason for failing to renew your license is a legitimate one.
  • For some unavoidable reasons that you may submit passport, may take longer period of time due to checking every pages, therefore if possible, please come as early as possible as around 8:30 a.m.
    After reception, you have to take designated seminars. If your reception has finished before 9:00 a.m.,your seminar could start in the afternoon. And if you finished reception before 1:30 p.m. and could not take afternoon seminars, you might have to apply again for another day. Your driver’s license shall not be issued unless you take all necessary seminars.
    When we check the records of your passport, if you used electric gate and there is no stamp on the passport thus cannot confirm your record of entry or leaving (all the records of passport, not limited to the date of expiry of the driver’s license in question), you need a certificate of immigration record to proof , please ask us for further information.

If your license lapsed more than six months ago

  • If you could not undertake this reissue procedure within six months of the license expiry date, for an avoidable reason that is in accordance with our regulations, e.g., injury or illness, overseas travel, or legal detention, you can be exempted from the written examination and driving test up to three years from the expiry date, provided that the procedure is undertaken within one month of the day on which the reason preventing application for reissue ceases to have effect, and that you undertake an aptitude test and designated class (or elderly driver class).
  • Exemption for the written examination and driving test no longer applies after three years from the expiry date of the license. However, if the unavoidable reason for failing to renew your license arose before June 19, 2001, exemption from the driving test is still possible (despite more than three years elapsing) if the reissue procedure is undertaken within one month from when the unavoidable reason ceases to have effect. (It is also necessary to take  an aptitude test and designated class.)
  • If your driver license expired more than six months ago but less than one year ago, and if the license type is a large, medium,semi-medium-size, or ordinary vehicle license, you can have a temporary license for large, medium,semi-medium-size, or ordinary vehicles issued, in accordance with your license type, with exemption from the written examination and driving test.

If you cannot undertake the license reissue procedure within six months for an unavoidable reason (in accordance with regulations)

Application place and registration times

Kyoto Prefectural Police Driver's License Examination Center 

Anyone residing in Kyoto prefecture can undertake the procedure here.

Registration times

Monday to Friday (Except public holidays, Year-end and New Year holidays)

  • 8:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
  • 1:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Same day

It is necessary to take an aptitude test and designated class . The licenses will be issued by approximately 12 midday when applying in the morning, and by about 4 p.m. when applying in the afternoon.

Local police stations

If you live within the jurisdictions of Kizu, Kameoka, Nantan, Ayabe, Fukuchiyama, Maizuru, Miyazu, or Kyotango police stations, you can apply for the procedure at your local police station.

Those who took the driver training course for the elderly can apply at any police station responsible for your address.

Registration times

Monday to Friday (Except public holidays, Year-end and New Year holidays)

  • 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
  • 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

In principle three weeks after day of application

Necessary documents

  • The driver license that has expired.  
  • Certificate of Residence (Certificate must be issued within 6 months. Photocopies are not allowed)
    ※Address on the family register must be written in the Certificate. 
    ※Foreign residents are required to bring certificate of residence on which nationality, visa status and length of stay are written. Certificate is not acceptable if period of stay is expired.
    ※Certificate is not acceptable in principle, if identification number is written.
  • Photo
    3×2.4 cm (H×W), front-view of upper body (chest up), without a hat, plain background, taken not more than 6 months ago.
    Persons without a driver license must present two photos.
  • Family seal (unregistered seal is OK)
  • Documents to prove the unavoidable reason
    e.g., passport, medical certificate,certificate of prison
  • Certificate of completion of elderly driver class(person who is over 70 years old at the time of application)
  • Foreign driver license
    Persons who hold a foreign driver license should bring it with them.


Examination fee

1,900 yen for each type of driver's license
Additional fee for each type

Issuance fee

For one license type only: 2,050 yen (+200 yen per each addition license type)

Class fees

Good driver class:500yen

Ordinary driver class:800yen

Traffic offender class: 1,350 yen

First time renewal class: 1,350 yen

If you are applying for a temporary license after your license has lapsed

To those whose large, medium, semi medium-size or regular vehicle license has been expired and is more than 6 months and less than 1 year from the date of expiration, the writing and technical tests shall be exempted, however the aptitude test shall be taken in order to obtain a provisional driver’s license.

Application place and registration times (More than 6 months, less than 1 year from the date of expiration)

Kyoto Prefectural Police Driver's License Examination Center 

Anyone residing in Kyoto prefecture can undertake the procedure here.

Registration times

Monday to Friday (Except public holidays, Year-end and New Year holidays)

  • 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
  • 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Same day

Local police stations

If you live within the jurisdictions of Kizu, Kameoka, Nantan, Ayabe, Fukuchiyama, Maizuru, Miyazu, or Kyotango police stations, you can apply for the procedure at your local police station.

Registration times

Monday to Friday (Except public holidays, Year-end and New Year holidays)

  • 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
  • 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Same day

Necessary documents

  • The driver license that has expired.  
  • Certificate of Residence (Certificate must be issued within 6 months. Photocopies are not allowed)
    ※Address on the family register must be written in the Certificate. 
    ※Foreign residents are required to bring certificate of residence on which nationality, visa status and length of stay are written. Certificate is not acceptable if period of stay is expired.
    ※Certificate is not acceptable in principle, if identification number is written.
  • Photos (2)
    3×2.4 cm (H×W), front-view of upper body (chest up), without a hat, plain background, taken not more than 6 months ago.
    Please bring 3 photos those who don't have a driver's license.
  • Family seal (unregistered seal is OK)


  • Examination fee: 1,550 yen
  • Issuance fee: 1,150 yen


(For Inquiries)
Kyoto Prefectural police Headquarters Driver's License Examination Center Driver's License Section
647, Furukawa-cho, Hazukashi, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto city