トップページ > Foreign Language > English > Electric kickboard and "electric motor scooters" are categorized as mopeds
Updated:September 11, 2020
An "electric kickboard" is a motorized scooter powered by an electric motor fitted to a board with attached wheels (it may also be referred to as an "electric motor scooter" if equipped with a driver's seat). According to the Road Traffic Law and Road Transport Vehicle Law this kind of vehicle is categorized as a moped.
For this reason, a driver's license is required to drive such vehicles. In addition, the following items are mandatory.
"Electric kickboards" with a motor power of 0.60 kw (600 w) or less are categorized as mopeds according to the Road Transport Vehicle Law.
Therefore, you cannot ride such scooters unless the head lamp, number plate light and direction indicator satisfy the safety standards of the Road Transport Vehicle Law. Driving such a scooter on a road (footpath or roadway) without satisfying the regulations constitutes a violation of Article 62 (operation of improperly equipped vehicle) of the Road Traffic Law (punishable by up to 3 months imprisonment with forced labor or a fine of up to 50,000 yen).
As stipulated by the Road Transport Vehicle Law a moped cannot be operated without automobile third-party liability insurance, as mandated under the Automobile Liability Security Law (Violation is punishable by up to 1 year imprisonment with forced labor or a fine of up to 500,000 yen).
As stipulated by the Road Transport Vehicle Law, owners of mopeds are obligated to pay the Light Vehicle Tax (municipal tax) as defined by the Local Tax Law. Upon payment of the mentioned tax, a special sticker is issued to the owner by the local municipality.
The sticker must be applied to the body of the vehicle in accordance with Kyoto Prefecture Road Traffic Regulations (Failure to do this is punishable by a fine of up to 50,000 yen).
In accordance with Article 2-1-10 of the Road Traffic Law, an "Electric kickboard" is defined as "a vehicle powered by an electric motor of rated capacity of 0.60 kw or less, not requiring rails or overhead wiring". The electric scooter is considered "a moped", as it does not correspond to a bicycle, wheelchair or wheeled walking aids for the physically disabled.
Accordingly, to drive an electric scooter it is necessary to have a license that permits the riding of mopeds. Since electric scooters are treated as mopeds according to traffic regulations, all rules applicable to mopeds must be obeyed. For example, they can only be ridden on roadways and riders must wear a helmet.
When selling electric scooters vendors are requested to explain the above matters to prospective purchasers.
Making misleading sales pitches or suggesting that electric scooters can be ridden without a driver's license may result in criminal punishment.
(For Inquiries)
Kyoto Prefectural Police Headquarters Traffic Planning Division
85-3 Yabunouchi-cho, Shimochoja-machi-dori, Shinmachi-nishi-iru, Kamigyo-ward, Kyoto city