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Updated:November 22, 2017

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Initiatives to reduce food waste in Kyoto Prefecture

Current status of food waste

Food that can still be eaten and yet is discarded is considered “food waste.” Annual food waste in Japan amounts to 6.21 million tons, which is equivalent to approximately twice the annual amount of global food aid (3.2 million tons).

In September 2015 the UN Summit adopted the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” to cut food waste per capita in half by 2030, and countries around the world are working to achieve these goals.

Kyoto Prefecture’s initiatives

Kyoto Prefectural Residents’ Council for Food Waste Reduction

In 2016, Kyoto Prefecture established the Kyoto Prefectural Residents’ Council for Food Waste Reduction to discuss with residents, the food industry, and local governments the implementation of programs and initiatives against food waste.

  Major topics discussed in the council

  ・No leftovers campaign

  ・Donations of surplus food

  ・Review of business practices

   ・Effective use of unstandardized foods

Certification of business operators engaging in no leftovers campaign

Kyoto Prefecture certifies as “business operator engaging in no leftovers campaign” any restaurant and accommodation facility that engages in food waste reduction practices, such as methods for leaving no waste from cooking or eating.


Logo for business operator engaging in no leftovers campaign

Raising awareness of food waste

Kyoto Prefecture holds seminars to offer residents the opportunity to think about and learn how to reduce food waste. In addition, as part of our promotional effort, we publish leaflets and other advertising materials featuring the Kyoto Prefectural mascot character and Director General for Public Relations “Mayumaro”, which are displayed in the cafeteria of the prefectural government buildings.

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