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Updated:January 8, 2013

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International Exchange

Plan to promote international exchange for the future (aiming towards doubling the number of exchange students)

In order to keep up with increasing globalization, and with competition for excellent exchange students and talent increasing, it is important that Kyoto remains internationally renowned as a University City, a City of learning, and a city for students. Therefore, having not only Japanese students, but also excellent exchange students from all over the world gather here in the skill-fostering, center of exchange that is Kyoto, and having these rich and outstanding human resources act as the driving force behind the development of the region, is necessary.
Thus, in order to strategically double the number of students studying abroad in Kyoto, as well as encouraging job-hunting with firms and organizations within the prefecture, we are comprehensively implementing support systems for exchange students through government cooperation with industry and academic institutes, for more active Kyoto industries.

Execution of the plan

[Pre-exchange stage]

  • Making information on studying abroad in Kyoto more available overseas, and furthering reports and advertising abroad.
  • Implementing the Kyoto Experience Programme for short-term study abroad students.

[During exchange stage] 

  • Improving the environment for exchange students (increase in life and exchange support services)

[Job-hunting stage] 

  • Promotion and encouragement of matchmaking between students and companies, through government cooperation with industry and academic institutes.