

Home > Nutrition facts tables for processed foods

Updated:November 22, 2017

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Nutrition facts tables for processed foods

What is a nutrition facts table?

In Japan, a nutrition facts table for packaged processed foods gives you information on the nutrients and calories of the food. It can help you maintain a healthy diet.

How nutrition facts are shown in Japan

  • ·        The following five core nutrients must be included in the table:

           Calories, protein, fat, carbohydrate, sodium (salt)

  • ·        The following two nutrients are recommended to be included in the table:

           Saturated fatty acids, fiber

  • ·        The following nutrients do not have to be included:

           Minerals (zinc, potassium, calcium, etc.), vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin C, etc.), sugars, saccharides, cholesterol

Example: Japanese


Example: English


*Salt content may be labelled as Sodium until 31st March 2020.