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Updated:July 14, 2010

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The picture book, “Praising your child”, was published.

Why not to bring up your children by praising them?
The picture book, “Praising your child”, was published.

You want to nurture your children by praising them, but you often end up scolding them.
The picture book “Praising your child” gives you clues on how to nurture children by praising them. The book, now on sale, teaches you how to feel closer to your children while teaching in an understandable manner.

In each of the following four scenes, in which trouble often is encountered, there are two scenarios: one leads you to a situation in which you end up scolding children, leaving bad feelings, and another approach in which you can calmly teach and praise them.

It would be our great pleasure if the following English versions of the books could be of some help in the daily practice of raising your children: 

“Praising your child – Let’s go home”( PDF ,75KB)(PDF:75KB) 
“Praising your child – Shopping at the supermarket”( PDF ,114KB)(PDF:114KB)
“Praising your child – Auntie come to visit”( PDF ,114KB)(PDF:114KB)
“Praising your child – Eating at the restaurant”( PDF ,114KB)(PDF:114KB)
Wariming-up to praise your children from infancy( PDFファイル ,2MB)(PDF:2,501KB)

If you are interested in purchasing the book, please contact (in Japanese only) the following:

Price: 367yen
Additional shipping and bank transfer expenses are required.
NPO Jiritsu-shien-centa ikaruga-no-sato
Address: 12-1, Amidaji, Mikata-cho, Ayabe-shi, Kyoto-fu
Tel. 0773-40-5388
Fax: 0773-40-5390