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Updated:March 25, 2009

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Welfare: Livelihood Protection

Livelihood Protection

Livelihood protection is the institution which guarantees a minimum standard of living for people whose income is low because of illness, accident, and unemployment, or who have a difficult life because of medical costs.

Foreign residents who have no restrictions on their activities, such as those with "Permanent Resident" or "Long Term Resident" Status of  Residence may apply for livelihood protection. 

Please consult with your city, town or village welfare office, or the welfare office in the Prefectural Health Center.

Section in charge

  • Welfare and Relief Division TEL: 075-414-4564 FAX 075-414-4615
  • Public Health Center Welfare Office
  • City, town and village offices

Life Welfare Fund

The Life Welfare Fund seeks economic independence and promotion of a motivated lifestyle for households with low income, aged people, and disabled people through the guidance and support of welfare commissioners and the provision of funds. This includes general support funds, welfare funds, education funds, and loans for living expenses collateralized by real estate.

Foreign residents who are registered, have been at their current residence for at least 6 months, and expect to reside there permanently may recieve benefits.

Please consult with local welfare commissioners or with welfare assemblies in cities, towns and villages.

※All applications are investigated to determine whether applications meet the eligibility requirements for the loan.

Section in charge

Operator for Long-Term Care and Welfare for Persons with Disabilities Section

TEL 075-414-4556 FAX 075-414-4615

Children in households on welfare support or tax-free households can receive a scholarship for going on to high school

Children in households on welfare support or municipal tax-free households can receive a scholarship for going on to high school.
The recipients are households in Kyoto Prefecture that are protected by the Livelihood Protection Law (limited to households with members attending private high schools) and exempt from paying municipal tax and which fulfill certain specified conditions such as being fatherless, motherless or disabled households.

Consult with the Kyoto City Regional Welfare Division or the welfare office of the Prefecture Health Center(excluding Kyoto City) for details.

Section in charge

  • Welfare and Relief Division TEL 075-229-6130 FAX 075-251-1132
  • Public Health Center Welfare Office
  • Kyoto City Regional Welfare Division