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Updated:March 25, 2009

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Lifestyle Information: Tax

Tax Classification

Tax is divided into national tax, to be paid to the nation, and local tax, to be paid to the local public body.
Local tax is divided into prefectural tax to be paid to prefecture, and municipal tax to be paid to the city, town, or village.


Private Prefectural Tax

The private prefectural tax is a tax collected from prefectural citizens in order to defray part of the running costs of the city.
Private prefectural tax and municipal tax is collectively called residence tax.
The procedures for taxation and payment of private residence tax for individuals are done collectively by the city, town, or village.

Auto Acquisition Tax

This tax is paid upon the acquisition of a car.


Car buyer (except for the acquisition of particular models and two-wheelers)
Amount: 3 or 5 % of car acquisition price.

Tax Reference

Auto Tax

This tax is for car ownership


Car owners in the prefecture


Decided yearly on the basis of car model, usage, and emission levels (1 year from April to the following March).

Return and payment of tax:

Car purchase, disposal, and registration change:
When registering your car, you must submit the auto tax form.
If you register anew, you must pay the auto tax when you file the tax form.

Car owner:
If you have a car, you must pay auto tax as indicated by a prefectural tax notice by May 31st.