Public and private entities pooled their resources and skills to complete two exchange student dormitories, both called "Kyoto International Student Orientation Center(s)" and completed on 20th March 2014, as part of Kyoto Prefecture's plan to make Kyoto into a "University City". By providing international and exchange students with low-cost yet high-quality accommodation, students can live in an environment conducive to study and life in Kyoto, and interact with other exchange students as well as the local community in an effort to further broaden horizons and internationalize the region.
施設名 Accommodation Name |
さつき寮(元第ニ日赤看護専門学校寮) Satsuki Dormitory (Former Second Red Cross Nursing School Dormitory) |
みずき寮(元府立医大看護師寮) Mizuki Dormitory (Former Prefectural University of Medicine Nurses' Dormitory) |
場所 Address |
上京区小川通下立売上る勘兵衛町120-2 120-2 Kanbe-cho, Ogawa-dori Shimodachiuri-agaru, Kamigyo-ku |
左京区吉田近衛町26-88 26-88 Konoe-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku |
個室 Rooms |
45室(留学生36名、日本人学生9名) 45 (36 exchange students, 9 Japanese students) |
44室(留学生36名、日本人学生8名) 44 (36 exchange students, 8 Japanese students) |
共用施設 Shared amenities |
トイレ、キッチン、洗濯室、物干し場、シャワー室、駐輪場、ゴミ置き場 Toilets, kitchens, washrooms, laundry space, showers, bicycle parking, garbage area |
交流施設 Exchange areas |
交流スペース、相談スペース Common room, counseling space |
室内設備 Room amenities |
小型冷蔵庫、デスク、イス、ベッド、収納ボックス、電気スタンド、室内物干、照明器具、エアコン、カーテン Small refrigerator, desk, chair, bed, closet, desk lamp, indoor laundry hanger, lighting, (heating & cooling) air-conditioner, curtains |
生活関連 Dormitory lifestyle |
来日間もない入居留学生が、京都での留学生活に一日でも早く馴染めるよう「留学生オリエン テーター」(府嘱託職員)と日本人学生による「レジデント・アシスタント(RA)」を配置し、日常の 生活指導・助言並びに地域住民等との交流事業の企画・運営等の留学生支援を行う。 The Kyoto International Students Orientation Center provides a place for exchange students, who have not previously visited Japan, to quickly and comfortably adjust to life in Kyoto. A Student Advisor (Prefectural employee) and Residents' Assistants (RA) (Japanese students) are also on hand to guide, inform, and advise the students, as well as organise various exchange events with the local community to support the students' daily lives in Kyoto. |
家賃 Monthly rent |
33,500円 33,500 yen |
管理運営 Management |
府と民間事業者(株式会社学生情報センター)との間で20年間の定期借家契約を締結し、民間事業者は、施設改修から維持管理までを自ら調達した資金で行う。 The Prefecture has agreed upon a 20 year fixed-term lease agreement with a private company (National Students Information Center (Nasic)), whereby Nasic agrees to manage the facility, including initial renovation and maintenance, using its own capital and funds. |
入居期間 Residency period |
1年以内 (ただし、ショートプログラム等の短期滞在を除く) 1 year (i.e. does not cater for short-term study abroad programs, etc) |
大学 Universities |
4大学 4 universities: |
出身国 Countries |
30カ国地域 30 countries/regions: |
外観 Outside |
個室 Rooms |