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Updated:August 12, 2015

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The Earth Hall of Fame Kyoto

What is the Earth Hall of Fame Kyoto?

The Earth Hall of Fame Kyoto is an award to honor in perpetuity the achievements of those who have contributed to the conservation of the global environment. It is given in the name of Kyoto, the birthplace of the Kyoto Protocol.

We hope to contribute to the efforts and shared purpose of all people, regions, and countries dedicated to solving our planet’s environmental problems, by sending a message from Kyoto to the rest of the world at this commendation ceremony, which is to be held at the Kyoto International Conference Center, the very same venue as the Third Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP3).

Organized by the Earth Hall of Fame Kyoto Management Council

 (Kyoto Prefecture; Kyoto City; Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry; Japanese Ministry of the Environment; Research Institute for Humanity and Nature; International Institute for Advanced Studies; and the Kyoto International Conference Center)

List of People Already Inducted into the Earth Hall of Fame Kyoto


Gro Harlem Brundtland (Born in 1939) Norway

(Former chairperson for the World Commission on Environment and Development (Brundtland Commission) and former Prime Minster of Norway)
Dr. Brundtland was the chairperson of the United Nations' World Commission on Environment and Development, whose 1987 report, "Our Common Future," advocated the concept of sustainable development, greatly contributing to the formation of many current international environmental conservation policies.

Syukuro Manabe (Born in 1931)USA

(Senior Researcher in the Ocean and Atmospheric Research Program at Princeton University, and honorary member of the Japan Academy)
Dr. Manabe developed the general circulation model of the coupled ocean-atmosphere model and applied them for studying climate change. Currently, his modeling approach is used as a prototype for the projection of global warming that has been conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Global Climate Change. Through his pioneering studies of climate, he has made great contribution to Earth Science.

Wangari Maathai (Born in 1940) Kenya

(Former Assistant Minister for Environment and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kenya)
Dr. Maathai was impressed by the Japanese word "mottainai" (respect for the inherent value in all things) when she visited Kyoto in February 2005 to attend an event commemorating the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol. She later spread the use of the concept as an environmental keyword. Her various activities have greatly contributed to the promotion of coexistence with the environment and the implementation of environmental preservation activities. 2004 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate.
(Dr. Maathai passed away in 2011)


Elinor Ostrom (Born in 1933) USA

(Professor at Indiana University)
She proved that management of communal resources is most effective when it is not carried out solely by market forces or government intervention, but instead, when a community with vested interests in the resource plays a complementary management role. She showed that group management of the commons (communal resources) is an important step in bringing about solutions to environmental problems. Received the 2009 Nobel Prize in Economics.
(Dr. Ostrom passed away in 2012)

His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuk (Born in 1955) Kingdom of Bhutan

(Fourth King of the Kingdom of Bhutan)
In the 1980s, he proposed the concept of Gross National Happiness, stressing a "better way of life" respecting both culture and nature. This concept caused a stir in our modernized world, which overvalues convenience and material wealth, and spread environmental consciousness globally.

Masazumi Harada (Born in 1934) Japan

(Former Professor at Kumamoto Gakuen University)
With his thoroughly hands-on approach, he has carried out social medical research on environmental pollution issues, beginning with Minamata disease. His results have been used in investigations into cases such as arsenic poisoning and mercury pollution all over the world. Through his revolutionary academic research he has made major contributions to solving global environmental problems.
(Dr. Harada passed away in 2012)


Klaus Töpfer (Born in 1938) Germany

(Executive Director of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies)
Leading the discussions at the 1992 Earth Summit and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), he helped to build an international base for efforts and solutions to the problem of global warming, and as the Director General of the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP), has contributed much in the form of promoting global environmental protection policies.

Lester R. Brown (Born in 1934) USA

(President of the Earth Policy Institute)
He founded the Worldwatch Institute in 1974. As well as his many publications such as Global White Papers and Global Environmental Databooks, he has contributed much to the spread of awareness of the issue of global warming by raising warnings about energy, and world population and food supply problems.


Amory B. Lovins (Born in 1947) USA

(Chairman of the Rocky Mountain Institute)
Dr. Amory B. Lovins has advocated pioneering concepts, such as "negawatt power" and "smart grids," and has contributed to the world with his innovative academic research to enhancing efficiency of energy use and converting fossil fuels into renewable energy.

Vandana Shiva (Born in 1952) Republic of India

(Environmental philosopher, physicist)
Based on scientific knowledge, Dr. Vandana Shiva sounded the alarm about current values concerning the environment, agriculture and food, and has presented her views on how the future global environment should be, such as values and social structure based on traditional styles. She has contributed to dissemination of the ideas of coexistence with the environment and protection of the global environment.


Akira Miyawaki (Born in 1928) Japan

(Emeritus Professor, Yokohama National University Director /
 Japanese Center for International Studies in Ecology, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies)
Dr. Miyawaki developed a methodology called the "Miyawaki Method," which involves selecting the main native tree species from the potential natural vegetation, and densely planting potted seedlings of various species with well-developed roots in accordance with the system of natural forests. Dr. Miyawaki has planted over 40 million trees in 1700 locations in and outside Japan, in cooperation with businesses, governments, organizations and citizens. He is dedicated to restoring native forests that nurture living things and our good life, while helping prevent disasters and protect the environment.


Shigeatsu Hatakeyama (Born in 1943) Japan

(Chairperson, NPO Mori wa Umi no Koibito /
 Professor of Field Studies and Practical Learning, Field Science Education and Research Center, Kyoto University)
Born in Shanghai, China, in 1943. Mr. Shigeatsu Hatakeyama, as an oyster farmer in Kesennuma City, Miyagi Prefecture, experienced the devastating effects of red tides on oyster quality. Realizing that conserving the forest upstream of the river pouring into the bay is essential in regaining a sound marine environment, Mr. Hatakeyama formed Kaki no Mori wo Shitau Kai (predecessor of NPO Mori wa Umi no Koibito) in 1989, organizing deciduous tree planting by fisherfolk, and initiating environmental education for children. Mr. Hatakeyama’s activities, which have been instrumental in educating the general public that woodland, river, and marine environments are closely interrelated, are recognized as having made significant contributions to the implementation of environmental conservation activities.