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Updated:October 21, 2022

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Information for foreign students

Information for foreign students

1. Kyoto Prefecture Friendship Ambassadors

[Kyoto Prefecture International Affairs Division :TEL 075-414-4316]

Kyoto Prefecture appoints ’Kyoto Prefecture Friendship Ambassadors’ from the foreign student population at the universities of Kyoto Prefecture. Their role is to promote understanding between Kyoto Prefecture and its foreign residents and the internationalization of the region.

They are also provided with scholarships by Kyoto Prefecture so that they can concentrate on these activities and their own studies.

2. Lifestyle Support

International and Exchange Student Consultation Counter

Kyoto Prefectural International Center (public organization)

  • Consultation exclusive line: 075-681-4800
  • Consultation time: 10:00-17:00(excluding Tuesdays, national holidays and the year-end/new year holidays)
  • Services are available in 23 languages.
    English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Nepali, Indonesian, Tagalog, Thai, Hindi, Khmer (Cambodian), Myanmar, Bengali,Mongolian, Russian, Malay, Sinhala, Portuguese, Spanish,French, German, Italian and Japanese
     *Ukrainian(reservation required)

Kyoto City International Foundation (public organization)

  • Tel: 075-752-1166, 075-752-3511
  • Consultation time: 9:00 to 17:00(except Mondays)
  • English(Tuesdays, Wednesday & Thursdays), Chinese(Wednesdays & Fridays)
  • The following languages can be supported if you come in person at kokoka’s reception.
    ・Korean, Vietnamese, Nepali, Indonesian, Tagalog, Thai, Portuguese and Spanish

3. Scholarship

Scholarships for foreign students who pay their own tuition (Japan Student Services Organization(External link)) [Foreign Student Section or Student Affairs Section in universities]

Foreign students studying at universities, etc., who have excellent grades and need economic support are provided with scholarships.
Scholarship application processes are the responsibility of the university.

Scholarship through private scholarship associations

Websites for scholarship information:Japan Student Services Organization(External link),Japan Educational Exchanges and Services(External link).

Reduction of Tuition Fees [Foreign Student Section or Student Affairs Section]

The tuition fees of a student can be reduced if they have excellent grades and have difficulty in paying tuition fees because of their economic situation or unavoidable circumstances of school absenteeism, deaths or storm and flood damage (the conditions and stipulations of the system may vary from school to school).

4. Residence

Public Dormitory (Japanese language only)

Kyoto International Student Orientation Center Satsuki Dormitory

National Students Information Center Co.,Ltd : 075-352-0020

Kyoto International Student Orientation Center Mizuki Dormitory
Kyoto "International Student House" NPO freedom, Inc.: 075-241-0110

Prefectural Housing

Kyoto Prefecture provides priority prefectural housing for international researchers and students. Furthermore, Kyoto Prefecture also provides prefectural housing with furnishings and home electrical appliances for short-term international researchers. For more details, please visit the following webpage:

Kyoto priority housing for foreign researchers and students, securing housing for short-term foreign researchers

Private Apartment

Each university provides their own guides.
If a student rents an apartment, they need to pay a deposit and key money (2 to 3 months worth of rent), as well as rent upon entry.
A guarantor is also required for a contract.


  • A deposit has to be paid to the owner as a guarantee for room repair and unpaid rent
  • When the student ends the contract, the owner deducts any repair costs, etc, from the deposit and returns it to them.

Key Money

  • When a student rents a room, it is the Japanese custom for them to pay the owner remuneration in addition to rent.
  • This money is not returned.

Kyoto Foreign Student Housing Guarantee Institution [Japan Educational Exchange and Services]

This institution insures against fires.

5. Health

Public Health Insurance [Insurance and Pension Section in municipal office]

If the student is in Japan for more than 3 months, they must possess this insurance.
When they enter this scheme, they are given an insurance certificate. When they present the certificate at hospitals etc. 70 % of the doctor’s fee is covered.

Foreign Student Public Health Insurance Subsidy [Foreign Student Section in university]

If a student lives in Kyoto city and studies at a university or college in Kyoto City at their expense and possesses Public Health Insurance in Kyoto City, they will be given 700 yen monthly.

Booklet ’Medical Handbook - Kyoto Prefecture’s Medical Guidebook for Foreigner

Available in Japanese, English, Chinese (simplified, Traditional Chinese), Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Thai and Arabic

6. Looking for jobs

Kyoto Job Park, Kyoto Employment Support Center for International Students

We are supporting exchange students in finding jobs and employment!

For exchange students:
In order to support foreign talent in Kyoto Prefecture, we currently run a service for exchange students to respond to your specific concerns regarding finding a job, with advice from experts about finding employment and the hiring of foreign talent by local companies.

Service details:
  • Consultation sessions for job-hunting and general life consultation sessions aimed at exchange students studying in Kyoto from counsellors.
  • Seminars at JP College, etc, to provide the basic social and society skills required by companies.
  • Working in cooperation with Young People's Hello Work and other organizations to introduce job opportunities to exchange students.

Examples of job-hunting and general life consultations:

  • Explanations of the basic job-hunting system, methods, and schedule in Japan
  • Advice on how best to contact companies and interview advice, etc.
  • Explanations of laws and legal regulations regarding a change of residence status, insurance, and taxes, etc.

Japanese (In the case of another language, prior consultation is necessary)

How to use this service:

Although this service operates on a prior reservation system, please first come to general reception at Kyoto Job Park.

Opening Times:

Monday to Friday : 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday : 09:00 - 17:00
Closed on Sundays, national holidays, and from 29th December to 3rd January

Kyoto Job Park, Kyoto Employment Support Center for International Students

3F West Wing, Kyoto Terrsa Building, 70 Shimotonodacho, Higashi-kujo, Minami-ku, Kyoto


For those company members in charge of employment:

At the Kyoto Job Park SMEs Human Resources Center, companies can receive advice and counselling on how to employ new exchange students, and/or support their existing employment. 

Examples of employment consultation:
  • Methods of hiring exchange students.
  • Information in case of hiring exchange students and explanations of multiculturalism.
  • Explanations of laws and legal regulations regarding the process of changing residence status.
Opening hours:

Monday to Friday : 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday : 09:00 - 17:00
Closed on Sundays, national holidays, and from 29th December to 3rd January

Kyoto Job Park, SMEs Human Resources Center

2F East Wing, Kyoto Terrsa Building, 70 Shimotonodacho, Higashi-kujo, Minami-ku, Kyoto

Change of residence status [Immigration Bureau of Japan]

When foreign students take a job in Japan after graduation, they need to change their residence status appropriately.

Part-time Jobs

Permission for activity outside one`s status of residence: See the Student Affairs Section in the university. Information on status of residence: Immigration Bureau of Japan.
If foreign students have a part-time job, they need to get permission for an activity outside of their status of residence from the Ministry of Japan.
If they have a part-time job without permission, they will subject to penalties.


[Related Facilities]

Kyoto Prefectural International Center
Address: 3F East Bldg. Kyoto Terrsa,70 Higashikujyo shimotonodachou,Minami-ku,Kyoto
TEL : 075-681-2500
FAX : 075-681-2508
Open: 10:00 to 18:00
Closed: Second and fourth Tuesday of each month, national holidays, and December 29th to January 3rd

Kyoto City International Foundation
Address: 2-1 Torii-cho, Awataguchi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi 606-8536
Tel: 075-752-3511
FAX: 075-752-3510
Open: 09:00 to 21:00
Closed: Mondays (or the following day if Monday is a national holiday) and New Year holidays

The Consortium of Universities in Kyoto
Internet access is available for free in the Campus Plaza
Address: Campus Plaza Kyoto Shiokoji Nishi-no-Toin-dori Shimokyo-ku, Kyoto city 600-8216
Tel: 075-353-9100
FAX: 075-353-9101
Hours: 09:00 to 19:00
Closed: Mondays, December 28th to January 4th

Hello Work Nishijin Karasuma Oike Plaza Youth Consultation Corner
Job consultation and employment information for people who are to graduate or have graduated within the past year from a university, college, or special training school.
Address: 1F Meiji Yasuda Seimei Kyoto Building, Karasuma Oike, Nakagyoku, Kyoto-shi 600-0845
Tel: 075-256-8609
FAX: 075-256-8686
Hours: 10:30 to 19:00 (2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month are from 10:00 to 17:00)
Closed: 1st, 3rd and 5th Saturdays of the month, Sundays, national holidays, New Year period.

Employment Service Center for Foreigners
Job consultation and employment information for foreign students who hope to work in Japan after graduation.

Tokyo Employment Service Center for Foreigners

Osaka Employment Service Center for Foreigners( External link )
Address: 〒530-0017, Osaka-shi, Kita-ku, Kakuda-cho, 8-47, Hankyu Grand Building, 16th floor
Tel: 06-7709-9465
FAX: 06-7709-9468
Hours: 10:00 to 18:00
Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, New Year period.

Hello Work (Government-run employment agency) with foreign language services

Job consultation and employment information for foreigners in their chosen language (please call in advance to request interpretation)

Hello Work Kyoto Shichijo
Address: 803 Higashiaburakoji-cho, Shio-koji, Nishi-no-Toin-dori, Shimokyo-ku, Kyoto-shi 600-8235
Tel: 075-341-8609
Language: English (Thursdays, 1st and 3rd Friday of the month from 13:00 to 17:00)

Hello Work Fushimi
Address: 232 Furoya-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto city 612-8058
Tel: 075-602-8609
Language: Chinese (Tuesdays (08:30-17:00 (not incl. 12:00-13:00), Fridays from 13:00 to 17:00)

Immigration Bureau of Japan (Review of residence status, etc.)

Immigration Bureau of Osaka
Address 1-29-53 Kita, Nanko, Suminoeku Osaka-shi 559-0034
Tel 06-4703-2100
Hours 9:00 to 16:00
Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays.

Immigration Bureau of Osaka, Kyoto office (review of residence status)
Address: 34-12 Higashimaruta-cho, Kawabata-higashi, Maruta-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto-shi 606-8395
Kyoto Second Local Joint Government Building
Tel: 075-752-5997
Hours: 9:00 to 12:00, and 13:00 to 16:00
Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays.

Alien Residency Comprehensive Information Center( External link )
English, Korean, Chinese, Spanish, etc, are available for telephone enquiries and in person.
Address: 1-29-53 Kita, Nanko, Suminoeku, Osakashi, 559-0034
Tel: 0570-013904 (IP, PHS, international: 03-5796-7112)
Hours: 08:30 to 17:15
Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays