Saving the world with the ultimate local production and consumption society (urban) model that takes advantage of Japan's strengths, the rich natural environment of each season.
- 日本:「人口減少時代」から「地域資源拡大時代」への転換(「けいはんな学研都市」がそのモデルに
Japan: Transition from an "era of declining population" to an "era of expanding local resources" ("Keihanna Science City" as a model)
- 世界:石化資源活用、農地化等の「環境消費社会」から「持続可能社会」への転換(「Foodtech-hill/Well-being」等によって追求)
Global: Transition from an "environmental consumption society" that utilizes petroleum resources and converts land into farmland to a "sustainable society" (pursued by "Foodtech-hill/Well-being" etc.)
- 宇宙:On Siteで地産地消できる技術を確立し「宇宙時代」を創造(「Robot-hill/SmartCity」等によって追求)
Universe: Establishing technology that allows for local production and consumption on site to create the "Space Age" (pursuing "Robot-hill/SmartCity" etc.)
世界の課題を解決するモデル都市、すなわち、「交流(地域資源活性化)」のまち、「実装(地域資源ストレス減少)」のまち、「グローバル連携(地域資源拡大)」のまちづくりを推進する。Promote the creation of a model city that solves global issues, that is, a city of "exchange (activation of local resources)," a city of "implementation (reduction of stress on local resources)," and a city of "global collaboration (expansion of local resources)."
- まちづくり:高齢化・老朽化対策→交流のまち(地域資源を活性化させるコミュニケーションシティの実現)=リノベーションと合わせた界隈性創出、クラスター間交流・交通の向上 City development: Measures against aging and deterioration → A city of exchange (realization of a communication city that activates local resources) = creation of neighborhoods combined with renovation, improvement of exchange and transportation between clusters
- 文化・産業振興:人口減少・交通インフラ対策→実装のまち(地域資源のストレスを減らすスマートシティの実現)=新造成地整備等と合わせたスマート技術実装 Culture and industry promotion: Measures against population decline and transportation infrastructure → A city of implementation (realization of a smart city that reduces stress on local resources) = implementation of smart technology combined with the development of new land, etc.
- 人づくり・国際交流:グローバル化・地域資源不十分→グローバル連携(地域資源を拡大させるGlobal Hub Cityの実現)=文化資源の発掘・育成、グローバル人材育成エコシステムの創出 Human resource development and international exchange: Globalization and insufficient local resources → Global collaboration (realization of a Global Hub City that expands local resources) = discovery and development of cultural resources, creation of an ecosystem for cultivating global human resources.